Spelling Tests & Practice.

For grades 3-12.

Used by teachers around the world

And over 100 more!
"I love that I can give differentiated spelling tests that read the words out loud. All of my students have their own lists of words."
Rebeca D., Middle School Teacher
"It is a great help for our program and saves me a lot of time."
Ms. Ann E., High School Teacher
"I love the program that you have created as it takes a lot of work out of marking spelling tests and gives students instant feedback on their work which is essential for learning."

How it works


Create 📓 Word Lists

Create your Word Lists in seconds. Whether it’s a few or a few hundred lists, creating them is fast and easy.

/images/Word Lists.png


Create 🧑🏼‍🎓 Students

Create your Students. Rapidly create them one at a time, or upload in bulk from Google Classroom, Seesaw, or similar.



Put Students into 👥 Groups

Assign students into groups based on their skill level, classroom, or other criteria. Assigning hundreds of students is easy.

/images/Students Into Groups.png


Assign 📝 Tests and send them to Students

Create tests that end on specific dates.

Distribute them to students with a link and their student code, once.

At school or home, your students log in with a link and a simple code that takes them right to their word list for that week.

/images/Assign Tests.png


📊 Track Progress

You decide whether students can take the test over and over (repeated practice), or whether they get one attempt as a test.

View personalized progress reports across all of the students, with the ability to drill down to identify areas of opportunity.

/images/Track Progress.png


Your students perform better because of the practice they received with Spelling Test Buddy. They become better spellers, writers, and their reading has improved.

/images/Student happy that she got a perfect score on her spelling test.png

Try this Spelling Test

Here is a sample online spelling test. Results are graded immediately, and you can review reports of each student's progress. Note that this is from the Parent edition, but the Teacher edition is almost identical.

View in a new tab


Spelling Test Buddy has three plans to choose from.

(Turn on the plans you want to see in the table below.)




PriceFree$39.99/year $29.99/year
On sale for a limited time1
$599/year $299/year
On sale for a limited time
Core Features
Teacher logins1130
Word ListsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Number of StudentsUp to 20Up to 100Unlimited
Weekly Test SubmissionsUp to 10UnlimitedUnlimited
Digital Tests that read the word and sentences aloud✔️✔️✔️
Instant graded results to Students✔️✔️✔️
Word Lists
Keep Lists Between School Years✔️✔️✔️
List Creation• Manual entry only• PDF/photo upload
• Our 420+ pre-made lists
• Manual entry
• PDF/photo upload
• Our 420+ pre-made lists
• Manual entry
Build custom printable worksheets from your list✔️✔️
Word Bank(Coming soon)(Coming soon)
Collaborate on Word Lists, Students and Groups(Coming soon)(Coming soon)
Test Results Retention History7 daysUnlimitedUnlimited
Export Data(Coming soon)(Coming soon)
Common Errors Analysis(Coming soon)(Coming soon)
School Dashboard(Coming soon)
Google Classroom Sync(Coming soon)(Coming soon)
Single Sign-On (SSO)(Coming soon)
Start now!Start free, then upgradeContact us

1 Teachers in countries outside of North America, Europe, and Australia/New Zealand may have a lower price at checkout. Contact us to learn more.

Refund policy: because of the free Basic package that we offer, should you choose to purchase the Teacher Edition, we do not offer refunds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this an app?

Yes, Spelling Test Buddy is an app, and it’s also a website! It is not distributed through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store yet. But, you can easily add it to your students’ homescreen on Chromebooks, iPhone, iPad, Android, Samsung, and other phones, with just a few easy steps!

How much does it cost?

Please see our pricing information above.

Can my students be private? I can't share any personal information about them.

Yes. Spelling Test Buddy does not require you to enter an email address or even a full first or last name for your students. So, you can stay compliant with country, state, local, and district privacy laws and rules.

What grade levels does it support?

While Spelling Test Buddy can be used for any grade level, teachers in grades 3-12 have had the best success using it for their classrooms. We have also had intervention, English as Foreign Language, and adult learners use it. Additionally, teachers from around the world use it regularly for their students.

Does it read the words out loud?

Yes! When you create a word list, Spelling Test Buddy generates an audio version of each word. It also generates a version of the word in a sentence, to provide context for the word. When your student takes the test, they can tap on the Play buttons to hear the word or the sentence being read aloud to them, then enter their answer.

Can I see each student's individual test results?

Yes! When your student submits their test, your Reports page will immediately show you their results for that test. No need to ask them to walk their device up to your desk or call you over so you can check their results.

Can I use this to run a classroom-, grade-, or school-wide spelling test / virtual Spelling Bee?

Yes! We’ve had schools use Spelling Test Buddy to run competitions. Please reach out to us to discuss size and special pricing.


A collection of resources for you to use to teach and learn spelling.


Does technology make learning spelling unnecessary?

Research shows that by following a science-based curriculum around spelling, we are not just teaching our children how to spell: we are teaching them how to be better readers.


FREE Downloadable Resources

A collection of dozens of free spelling, phonics, and decodable resources for you to assist your students' learning journey.


How does Science of Reading interact with spelling?

Understand the link between spelling tests and the Science of Reading. Learn how systematic spelling instruction boosts reading skills, contrasts with Balanced Literacy, and why tools like Spelling Test Buddy are helpful in education.
