Spelling Practice & Tests. For K-5.

Used by teachers around the world

How it works


Set up groups

Create groups for students based on their classroom and skill level.

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Create word lists

Create word lists for each group.

Adjust the word lists and test dates as needed.

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Assign students to groups

Create students and assign them to groups.


Your students take the spelling test

Distribute a link to each group through Google Classroom, Seesaw, or similar.

Or, email them a personalized link through the app.

At school or home, your student logs in with this link and a simple code that takes them right to their word list for that week.

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Practice and Test

You can decide whether students can take the test over and over (repeated practice), or whether they get one attempt as a test.

You can view personalized progress reports across all of the students, with the ability to drill down to identify areas of opportunity.

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Your students perform better because of the practice they received with Spelling Test Buddy. Their recall is improved and their confidence is up.


Try it out

Here is a sample online spelling test. Results are graded immediately, and you can review reports of each student's progress. Note that this is from the Parent edition, but the Teacher edition is almost identical.

View in a new tab


A collection of resources for you to use to teach and learn spelling.


Does technology make learning spelling unnecessary?

Research shows that by following a science-based curriculum around spelling, we are not just teaching our children how to spell: we are teaching them how to be better readers.


FREE Downloadable Resources

A collection of dozens of free spelling, phonics, and decodable resources for you to assist your students' learning journey.


How does Science of Reading interact with spelling?

Understand the link between spelling tests and the Science of Reading. Learn how systematic spelling instruction boosts reading skills, contrasts with Balanced Literacy, and why tools like Spelling Test Buddy are helpful in education.
